Hey Joe

$26.00 CAD
Fudge, Honeysuckle, Clementine

Your everyday-single-origin coffee. Perfect for all filter brewing styles, this coffee is the gift that keeps on giving. 

The Bean:

Origin: Colombia
Region: Huila
Process: Washed
Variety: Caturra, Castillo
Elevation: 1600masl


This beautiful coffee highlights the dedicated efforts of the CADEHUILA co-operative, where coffee has been an integral part of the community for generations. Supremo showcases the best of what Colombia has to offer as a coffee-growing origin. Playing all of the hits, the Supremo band is singing notes of chocolate, almond, and hints of brown sugar and caramel, balancing out the tartness of ripe citrus to add a comfortable complexity to the cup. A smooth and vibrant experience for any and all coffee enthusiasts!